


Round table

February 21 – on the eve of the International Mother Language Day, a round table on the topic "Formation of Kyrgyz terminology related to the development of society, science and technology" was held at the International University of Kyrgyzstan Educational, Scientific and Industrial Complex. In turn, at a meeting with the participation of the National Commission on the State Language and Language Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Kyrgyz Encyclopedic and Terminological Center, members of the terminology committee, and university professors, important thoughts about the current state and future of Kyrgyz terminology were discussed. As a result, it was suggested that these considerations should not only be put on paper, but also given importance at the government level, and that relevant officials should be approached to create and update industry dictionaries of terms.

The round table from the IHSM was attended by the head of the state language department R.Zh. Zaiyrkulova, Head of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines N.N. Alymkulova and senior teacher M.A. Kibraeva.