The International Higher School of Medicine obtained copyright for its own anthem from Kyrgyzpatent
The anthem of the IHSM was developed in a collective authorship. On the international fest “Kyrgyz songs for foreign students”, the anthem was officially named the anthem of the IHSM and was performed in the presence of the Ambassador of the Republic of India, representatives of the Ministry of Culture of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ministry of Education and Science, public men, etc. The anthem consists of two verses and chorus. The text of the anthem calls students to unity, harmony, study in the field of medicine and keeping the oath. Knowledge of the anthem of the International Higher School of Medicine is mandatory for all teaching staff of the IHSM. The anthem is regulated in the official documents of the IHSM and is broadcasted and published at all official events, on websites and in social networks.
Anthem of the International Higher School of Medicine
Эл аралык университет атыбыз
Эл журт үчүн иштей турган чагыбыз
Эч тартынбай кадам таштап алдыга
Бүт ааламга чыксын дейбиз атыбыз
Билим берген, илим берген
Медицина мектеби
Дүйнѳнү дүңгүрѳткѳн
Таанылуучу кез келди
Биримдикте бирге болсок баарыбыз
Билим менен кѳтѳрүлѳт баркыбыз
Элибиздин ден-соолугун сактоого
Эл алдында берген ушул антыбыз
Билим берген, илим берген
Медицина мектеби
Дүйнѳнү дүңгүрѳткѳн
Таанылуучу кез келди