Courses Special Clinical Disciplines Department


Ophthalmology is a special clinical discipline that studies the anatomy and physiology of the organ of vision and its adnexa, eye diseases, and also develops treatment and prevention methods.

A knowledge of ophthalmology is necessary for future doctors, since a significant number of eye diseases is a manifestation of many pathological processes developing in various systems and organs of a person. Any infectious disease, endocrine pathology, various metabolic diseases can lead to the development of a pathological condition in the eye.

All of the above makes obvious the need for a thorough study of the morphophysiological features and pathology of the organ of vision by students of the "General medicine" faculty of a medical university.

  • Total labor input: 4 credits (144 hours)
  • Classroom sessions: 72 hours
  • Students’ independent work: 72 hours
  • Semester: 8
  • Final control: exam
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