Massage is a scientifically proven, substantiated by a long-term practice, the most appropriate and physiological medical method for the human body. It is used in all medical institutions: hospitals, clinics, resorts, medical, sports and other clinics. The role of massage has increased, especially recently, in connection with its inclusion in the system of medical rehabilitation institutions aimed at restoring the health of patients, returning them to professional work and preventing disability.
Massage effectively affects the body, which is considered in mutual neuro-humoral and reflex reactions from various organs and systems of the body, in accordance with the type of motor-visceral reflexes.
For each form of the disease, it is necessary to know the individual massage technique, which is made depending on the etiology, understanding the essence of the pathogenesis of this disease, the clinical forms of its course, taking into account the specific effects of individual massage techniques.
The correct methods and determination of the indications and contraindications of massage help it to become successful in complex treatment and in those cases when massage is used without other treatment methods.