

Clinical Simulation Center


 Goals of the Clinical Simulation Center:

Improving the quality of professional training of students, clinical interns and clinical residents through the use of modern technologies for mastering and improving practical skills - special dummies, phantoms and simulators, as well as virtual (computer) simulators that ensure the creation of a reality of medical interventions and procedures.

The main objectives:

  • Organization and provision of a high level of development of practical professional skills in phantoms and simulators in accordance with the approved program of specialties of higher and postgraduate professional education.
  • Training of a professionally competent specialist who is able and ready to apply his knowledge and practical skills in a clinical situation.
  • Monitoring the effectiveness, quality of formation and improvement of practical professional competence based on the solution of tests, situational tasks and practical examinations.
  • Study and implementation of advanced experience of medical universities to improve the quality of training in practical professional skills.