Anesthesiology and intensive care emerged in the depths of the surgical, therapeutic and other clinics as an auxiliary section of these sciences. Nowadays, they have gained a theoretical base, original methods of research and treatment, and quickly began to be introduced into other areas of medicine - pediatrics, neurology, infectious diseases clinic, neonatology, etc.
The fact is that any pathology in a certain period of its development can become the general field of activity of a resuscitation specialist. While the disease does not require the artificial replacement of vital functions, this was the field of activity of the therapist, surgeon, etc., with which he/she deals with the disease according to the peculiarities of its etiology and pathogenesis. But due to various reasons - imperfections in the body's reactivity, associated pathology, too much damage caused by external factors or aggressive methods of modern medicine, a stage can occur during any illness when one or more vital functions would require artificial replacement. This stage is called a critical or terminal state, and measures of artificial replacement of vital functions in it are called intensive therapy. And anesthesiology deals with the management of body functions during anesthesia - a controlled condition, to ensure anesthesia and analgesia during surgical interventions.
Based on the acquired knowledge, students are offered to consider the basics of terminal conditions that are inevitable in the practice of every doctor, diagnostic methods, differential diagnostics, treatment, emergency care at all stages of patient management. The basics of anesthesiology give a general idea of the methods of anesthesia and pain relief.