Cardiosurgery And Radiology Department

Cardiosurgery And Radiology Department

At the International Higher School of Medicine, we take pride in the diversity and high standards of our departments, each of which plays a crucial role in training future specialists.
Ilkhom Kh. Bebezov
Head of the Department, Ph.D.(Medicine), Assoc. Professor
Our Department is the first Department of this kind in the Kyrgyz Republic. Cardiac Surgery and Radiology are the most contemporarily challenging and at the same time the most difficult fields of medicine.

The Department includes specialists in Cardiac Surgery, Invasive Radiology, Radiology. All teachers have substantial experience in teaching and clinical activities. They regularly participate in conferences and meetings at a distinguished professional level.

The purpose of the Department is to inform students about the principal up-to-date methods of diagnosis and treatment, as well as teach to determine indications for minimally invasive and surgical treatment of the cardiovascular system.

“We work for your development!”

    +996 550 17 73 77

    34 Fuchika, Bishkek

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