Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic

According to Order 283 from the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic dated March 15, 2023, a working group was established with the objective of implementing section 9.2.1 of the Ministry of Health's 2023 work plan. This is part of the Kyrgyz Republic Government's Health Protection and Healthcare System Development Program for 2019-2030, titled "A Healthy Person - A Prosperous Country."

The primary goal of the group is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the healthcare staffing in the Kyrgyz Republic.

We have conducted a preliminary analysis that encompassed:
  • Examination of healthcare staffing across various regions of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  • Evaluation of factors influencing doctors' decisions to migrate within the republic and abroad.
  • Review of policies aimed at attracting and retaining healthcare professionals both domestically and internationally.
By Order No. 480 from the Ministry of Health dated April 24, 2023, a roundtable discussion was organized where the findings of the preliminary analysis titled "Analysis of Healthcare Staffing in the Kyrgyz Republic" were presented.

Currently, the research group is focusing on the systemic analysis of healthcare staffing and the organizational and functional model for attracting and retaining healthcare professionals in the healthcare system of the Kyrgyz Republic."

The main objectives of our group include:
  • A comprehensive analysis of healthcare staffing in the Kyrgyz Republic.
  • The development of an organizational and functional model aimed at attracting and retaining healthcare professionals within the healthcare system of the Kyrgyz Republic