Undergraduate Program

The IHSM education program is designed for the foreign citizens with the basic 12 year education, that is, for those undergraduate applicants who studied in a specialized college for two years, where they studied some of the disciplines included in the biomedical cycle of the State Educational Standard (physics, chemistry, biology). Thus, the development of the IHSM educational program is built in compliance with the principles of continuity and taking into account the previous level of education.

The purpose of the program is to develop professional and personal qualities in the students in the major “General Medicine", as well as general cultural (universal, cientific, social and personal) and professional competencies according to the requirements of the State Educational Standard in this field.

Educational tasks of the program:
  1. To develop traditional interpersonal, cultural and moral values, professional and ethical liability, critical thinking, self-organization and self-education.
  2. To provide the graduate with basic theoretical and clinical knowledge and skills in the area of administering preventive and medical care, to prepare him/her for postgraduate and further continuing medical education and implementation of partnership approach in the public healthcare.
  3. To train a specialist capable of performing functions of a general practitioner (prevention, diagnosis and treatment), with organizational, managerial and educational skills, as well as research skills aimed at maintaining and improving the health of the population, in accordance with the market needs of the countries of Southeast Asia and the requirements of international standards.
Model of the educational program (EP) and methodology
IHSM determined and implements an educational program, built on an integrated model using block-modular learning technology.

The use of a block-modular (integrated) learning system implies the unification of disciplines, end-to-end interaction of subjects, based on the principles of systems analysis and a clinical approach. Block-modular teaching means a promotion within a specific program and gives a student the maximum understanding of the studied medical specialty. The block-modular system allows ensuring the systematic learning of theory and practical implementation the principles of continuity and systemic approach of education.

The IHSM EP education model includes horizontal integration of basic biomedical disciplines in the first year and clinical disciplines in the fourth to fifth years. Horizontal integration of basic disciplines and vertical integration of basic and clinical disciplines in the second and third years are defined in the clinical modules.

One of the main components of the EP is the practical orientation of training, its interaction with life, development of competencies, that is, skills directly related to practical experience. The development of competencies within the individual disciplines is reflected in the discipline work programs; it is considered not as accumulation of knowledge and skills, but rather as the ability of future specialists to act in various situations in their professional activities.

The IHSM EP used the best practices of the Soviet system of medical education and the most pressing global trends. The national experts were involved in the development of the IHSM EP. “A copyright educational model for intensive training of general practitioners, intended for foreign citizens with 12-year basic education" was created and patented. This model is a copyright program and it was registered in the State Registry of the Kyrgyz Republic (Certificate No. 548 as of 11.10.2004). The IHSM EP was approved both by the state regulatory bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic and by the International Organizations for Medical Education (WHO, FAIMER). In 2018, the IHSM passed the independent program accreditation at the Agency for Accreditation of Educational Programs and Organizations (AAEPO).

According to the accreditation results of the training program for specialists in the major 560001 "General Medicine", the educational program of the IHSM was accredited for a period of 5 years (Certificate of the Agency for Accreditation of Educational Programs and Organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic No. VU180000185).

The introducing a 5-year program for training of foreign citizens in the major "General Medicine" was recognized as successful and the IHSM EP was recommended for implementation in medical universities of the Kyrgyz Republic to train foreign citizens by the Education and Methodological Department for medical education under the MES of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Contents of the program
The IHSM EP model includes horizontal integration of the basic biomedical disciplines in the first year and clinical disciplines in 4-5th courses. The horizontal integration of basic disciplines and vertical integration of basic and clinical disciplines in clinical modules are defined in the second and third courses. The IHSM developed and patented the “A copyright educational model for intensive training of general practitioners, intended for foreign citizens with basic 12-year education". This model is a copyright program which was registered in the State Registry of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The standard term for mastering the program is 5 years of full-time education (260 weeks). The work load of EP is 320 ECTS credit hours (European Credit Transfer System) for the entire period of study, including all types of student’s classroom and independent work, practice and the time allotted for quality control of the student's acquisition of the EP.
The sequence of teaching disciplines within the EP
Tutorial methods
IHSM uses various technologies and training methods. The main techniques used in EP are the following: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, problem-oriented, partially exploratory and research. In junior courses (preclinical stage), information and operational models are used; operational and personality-oriented models are used in the study of general clinical disciplines, while in the study of specialized medical disciplines, the personality-oriented learning models are applied.

The discipline work programs reflect both classical passive and modern active and interactive teaching methods. The key trend in the development of EP in terms of teaching and learning methods is a gradual decrease of passive teaching methods and an increase of active and interactive teaching methods.

The teaching and learning methods used in the EP are based on the modern teaching principles: developmental education; creating optimal conditions for training; conscientious attitude; proactive training, etc. There is a clear tendency towards an increase of active and interactive innovative methods, as well as student-centered education model.

Training of practical skills is conducted not only by the classical method at the patient's bedside, but also using the simulation method. To this end, the EP material and technical base includes a Center for Practical Skills, which allows to develop skills in all major areas of medical training. The Center for Practical Skills is an integral part of student's evolution into a clinician. At this Center, students work with the professors to gain practical skills in health care and diagnosis, and work with standardized patients to develop skills and evaluation as part of the IHSM curriculum. Our professors use the most modern educational technologies for active training and learning.

At all stages of training, active forms of training are widely used:
  • Problem-oriented training;
  • educational role-playing, simulation and business games;
  • laboratory workshops (study of preparations, models, devices, analogs, performance of laboratory works);
  • solving clinical problems, performing manual actions on models or patients (palpation, percussion, auscultation, bleeding control, artificial respiration, etc.);
  • students’ research work;
  • interactive training.

The basic principles for teaching the graduates:
  • interrelation of all levels of occupational education - from secondary to higher levels;
  • participation of student in the formation of his educational path;
  • development of practice-oriented training based on a competence approach;
  • use of the credit system and modular-rating assessment of students' achievements in order to ensure academic mobility;
  • the conformity of the assessment and control system for the achievement of the graduates' competencies with their future professional activities;
  • professional and social activity of the graduate;
  • international cooperation in training specialists in various fields.

The main principles of organizing independent work for students are as follows:
  • competence-based approach (independent work of students is aimed at developing their professional competencies in accordance with the State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education);
  • individual approach (taking into account individual personality traits of students);
  • choice (students have the right to choose tasks to complete);
  • practical orientation (tasks for independent work of students are not only theoretical, but also practical);
  • interactive organization (using active and interactive teaching methods in organizing students' independent work);
  • information transparency;
  • Feedback.

EP mastering results
The EP mastering results are determined by the competencies acquired by the graduate, i.e. his ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities in accordance with the tasks of occupation activity.

According to the objectives of the EP, the following learning outcomes (LO) are recognized:
  • Learning outcome 1: the ability to apply basic knowledge in the field of fundamental, natural science disciplines in professional activities, possession of general professional competencies.
  • Learning outcome 2: the ability to apply basic knowledge in the field of diagnostic, treatment, rehabilitation and research activities.
  • Learning outcome 3: knowledge of the forms and methods for sanitary and educational work, the ability to apply social and hygienic, medical and statistical methods for collecting and analyzing information; the ability to carry out preventive and anti-epidemic measures.
  • Learning outcome 4: the ability to apply modern information technologies in professional activities.
  • Learning outcome 5: the ability to apply basic knowledge in the field of psychological and pedagogical activity.
  • Learning outcome 6: the ability to apply communication skills in professional activities.
  • Learning Outcome 7: Ability to apply basic knowledge in the field of organizational and management activities.
  • Learning outcome 8: the ability to apply basic knowledge from the field of social, humanitarian, economic disciplines in their professional activities, to know general cultural competencies.
  • Learning outcome 9: the ability to perform their activities taking into account the moral and legal norms accepted in society

During the existence of the IHSM, more than 2.5 thousand graduates received a diploma in their major. The IHSM graduates successfully pass the MCI and PMDC exams in their homeland and work in their major in India, Pakistan, Australia, Great Britain, Saudi Arabia. Also, graduates the IHSM take postgraduate studies at the Florida International University, USA, at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands and other countries.