At the International Higher School of Medicine, we take pride in the diversity and high standards of our departments, each of which plays a crucial role in training future specialists.
The Dean’s Office is a team of specialists whose activities are related to the prompt solution of the main issues of organizing educational activities.
Our department is engaged in the implementation of the educational program through monitoring and improvement of the training process. We work closely with...
It’s my pleasure for me as the Dean of Postgraduate Studies to welcome you in our website and invite you to explore the abundance of information that we have made...
Welcome to the International Higher School of Medicine, one of the leading higher medical educational institutions, and to the International Affairs Department (IAD)...
We welcome you on our web-page and are glad to introduce our department to you! The goal of the HR-Department is to implement the IHSM policy in the field of HR ...
The main objective of the Documents Management Department is to provide the IHSM with standardized internal and external document management, its registrat...
The main work of the department is focused on the proper keeping and processing of documents, and we also issue student cards, record books, academic certificate...
The State Language and Language Policy Department operates under the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic...
As a structural subdivision of IHSM the Department of Supplies and Maintenance controls appropriate functioning of the electric and communication systems...
Our task is the uninterrupted operation of all services in field of computer technology and communication. Maintenance and repair of technical and software support in...
The International Higher School of Medicine has organized a modern Clinical Simulation Center with equipment, where practical classes are held with multiple repetitions of manipulations according to the protocols of clinical skills.
Education quality is a characteristic of an education system, reflecting a degree to which actual achieved educational results correspond to regulatory requirements...
The Department of Statistical Analysis and Psychometry is a structural subdivision of the IHSM, which was created in order to improve the quality of education at the...