Postgraduate Studies Office

Postgraduate Studies Office

At the International Higher School of Medicine, we take pride in the diversity and high standards of our departments, each of which plays a crucial role in training future specialists.
Aliia E. Bazhanova
Dean of the Postgraduate Studies, M.D.
It’s my pleasure for me as the Dean of Postgraduate Studies to welcome you in our website and invite you to explore the abundance of information that we have made available. This website has been created for you with the clearly emphasized purpose of serving as a reliable source of graduate and postdoctoral education information at the university.

If you share our strivings for science related research, and our commitment to shape the future of health care through innovation and discovery, I encourage you to consider joining our educational programs. The hallmark of the PhD program is a diverse, creative and uniquely collegial community of highly professional faculty and trainees. I believe that ambitious doctoral students are the assets to elite schools where faculty members are committed to changing the world around them. As a doctoral candidate at IHSM, you will be working closely with some of the Kyrgyzstan’s most renowned think tanks who encourage and support an academic community, which is actually an idea incubator. The IHSM offers a plenty of chances as far as distinguished area involvements at the forefront of innovation & opportunity in health care.

Our programs are designed to give students the opportunity to pursue advanced studies under the guidance of distinguished faculty members and learn the methods of independent research. Graduate students are vitally essential contributors to the university’s missions of education and research.

As you explore the doctoral programs, we want to be a part of your journey.
We appreciate your interest and participation.
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Phone: +996 703 60 98 99