The International Graduate School of Medicine is actively involved in publishing. The main indicators can be observed in the information graph.
Textbook references
The academic staff at IHSM carries out significant scientific and educational and methodological activities, which are reflected in scientific publications and their own educational and methodological developments (monographs, textbooks, educational recommendations), which are actively used in teaching and learning. IHSM teachers are constantly working on the development and publication of manuals and textbooks that correspond to educational programs, state educational standards, labor market needs and contribute to improving the quality of education. IHSM also regularly publishes textbooks prepared by teachers in a typographic manner in a circulation reflecting the actual needs of the university. Another form of providing students with direct access to the author's methodological developments of IHSM teachers is the creation of electronic versions of educational, teaching-methodical and scientific publications available in the database of the electronic library of the university and on electronic media.
Research and development at IHSM has been functioning since its very foundation. The organizational unit was introduced in 2018 in the structure of the scientific and analytical department of IHSM. Currently, there are 13 student scientific circles at the Moscow State Medical University.
The Central Student Laboratory of the Moscow State Medical University has been established.
Access to all IHSM scientific databases is provided.
Additional educational programs in the field of research have been developed and implemented.
Over the past 5 years, the number of students interested in research activities has reached 204, and 34 scientific articles have been published in peer-reviewed publications over the same period. HSE students have participated in 58 scientific conferences.
Work is currently underway to digitalize research and development at MVSHM.
The scientific and practical journal of general medical profile «Eurasian Medical Journal» is a regular peer-reviewed print publication reflecting the results of scientific research focused on the development of advanced medical technologies. In order to unite the Scientific community, the journal publishes original scientific articles presenting the results of experimental and clinical research, lectures, scientific reviews reflecting the results of research in various fields of medicine. Priority for publication is given to materials in promising areas of modern medical science: