The central link in the organization of scientific work at the IHSM is its concretization, cooperation and the development of procedural mechanisms for conducting research. We have implemented the university program "The body in norm and pathology". The program provides a systematic approach to various aspects of the body's adaptive mechanisms, the manifestation of nosologies in unusual climatic conditions, and methods of treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention.
Briefly referring to the mechanisms of procedural regulation of research and development, I would like to note that we have developed a three-level approach:
At the first level, a careful selection of the thematic area of the study is carried out, where the criteria are the special relevance in our region (Central Asia), the economic significance and capabilities of the infrastructure and logistical bases of the IHSM and our partners. This procedure avoids the "research for the sake of research" trap, and generates adequate and meaningful research performed at the IHSM.
The second stage is the direct research work in the chosen direction. The body, getting into new climatic conditions, begins the process of adaptation, which leads to the restructuring and correction of physiological regulatory mechanisms. In the process of adaptation, the body's response to pathological conditions is unpredictable, which is why it is necessary to specify these manifestations of pathology and norms during the period of activity of adaptive mechanisms. This approach makes it possible to identify and systematize them, followed by the introduction of recommendations, techniques and variations of therapeutic manipulations on specific people – observing the "individual approach", which is the essence of the third level of research in IHSM.
In our opinion, the presented procedural mechanism is the most effective in the conditions of the 21st century.
According to the procedures described above, we have formed the main 6 complex research topics.
- "Public health in Kyrgyzstan: environmental impact in a changing climate"
- "Mechanisms of the immune response of people with coronavirus infection in an epidemic and post-vaccination period in mountainous conditions"
- "Study of pathogenetic mechanisms of students' adaptation to the low-medium-high-altitude climate of Kyrgyzstan"
- "Studies of the physiology and pathology of adaptation in the field of molecular genetic and population genetic, predicting the risk of hereditary and multifactorial diseases"
- "Development and improvement of methods for the diagnosis and treatment of acute surgical diseases of the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities, including methods of endosurgical treatment"
- "The role of thermal conductivity in norm and pathology"