Information Technologies Department

Information Technologies Department

At the International Higher School of Medicine, we take pride in the diversity and high standards of our departments, each of which plays a crucial role in training future specialists.
Uran R. Musabaev
Head of department
The IT Department of the International Higher School of Medicine welcomes you!

Our task is the uninterrupted operation of all services in field of computer technology and communication. Maintenance and repair of technical and software support in our institution. There is an employee of the IT department, in each of our campuses, who quickly and timely solves the tasks and problems arising in the work of equipment and communication. The department provides safety and security of confidential information and takes measures to prevent failure of the workstations; timely updates software products and monitors the technical equipment of the IHSM departments.

Employees of the IT department annually take safety-training courses to work with weak-current equipment and ensure fire safety.
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Central Campus, 1F Intergelpo street
Phone: +996 701 35 05 27