IHSM Clinical Simulation Center

Clinical Simulation Center is an independent structural unit of the university where educational and practical activities are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard of medical education of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The purpose of the clinic has been to improve the quality of professional training of students (and residents), to develop and enhance special medical skills and skills developed through the use of modern simulation training tools and virtual (computer) simulators that imitate the reality of the clinical situation.
The main tasks are:
  • incorporation in the educational process of innovative high-tech training modules (simulation phantoms, virtual simulators, simulators / simulation training tools), as well as practice-oriented simulative training methods;
  • ensuring a high level of practical professional skills development and enhancement through the use of phantoms, simulators / simulation training tools in accordance with the approved program of specialties of higher and postgraduate professional education;
  • improvement of practical training quality for IHSM students, the training of professionally competent specialists able and ready to apply his/her knowledge and practical skills in a critical situation;
  • control of efficiency, quality of formation and enhancement of practical professional competence on the basis of performing situational tasks and conducting practical examinations;
  • study and implementation of the best practices of medical schools to improve the quality of teaching practical professional skills;
  • organization and implementation at the modern level of educational and research based methodical work aimed at developing professional knowledge and skills in students in accordance with the educational standards of higher professional medical education.
The training equipment of the Center is represented by mannequins, models, medical simulators, regular simulators.
The Center makes its settings and capacities available to all clinical departments of the IHSM, which have incorporated training simulation course in the existing curricula.
Practical classes are conducted in the following areas:
  • "emergency medicine",
  • "nursing care",
  • "pediatrics - emergency care, childcare",
  • "anesthesiology and resuscitation",
  • "surgery",
  • "obstetrics and gynecology."

The main activities:
  • ensuring necessary conditions for mastering and consolidating basic practical skills by students (and residents) and improving manual skills;
  • conducting short-term educational practical courses and thematic cycles of enhancing professional skills, participating in the system of continuous medical education.
Development priorities:
  • increasing the attractiveness and effectiveness of educational activities (courses, thematic improvements, master classes, Olympiads) for IHSM students, as well as for students of other universities;
  • interaction with Russian and foreign colleagues to share experience and improve the methodology of simulation training.
Svetlana G. Zasedateleva - Head of the Clinical Simulation Center | Auto-translate the video into your language here