Public Health Department

Public Health Department

At the International Higher School of Medicine, we take pride in the diversity and high standards of our departments, each of which plays a crucial role in training future specialists.
Kenesh O. Dzhusupov
Head of the Department, Ph.D.(Medicine), Assoc. Professor
IHSM is the first and only provider of Master degree and Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health (MPH and PhD) programs in Kyrgyzstan.
The discipline of Public Health is based on the idea of enabling everyone to enjoy his/her birthright of health and long life.
We are delighted to share with you our fascinating program offerings and to introduce you to our team of dedicated faculty members: researchers, teachers, experts and students with one common goal of promoting public health.

Our Department is multidisciplinary: we educate and train undergraduate and graduate students in the core competencies of public health, including epidemiology and biostatistics, health promotion and health communication, environmental and occupational health, health economics and bioethics, social medicine and history of medicine, and microbiology.

The faculty also conduct research in the areas of environmental and occupational health in vulnerable mountainous areas, epidemiology of infectious and non-infectious diseases, in understanding of inequalities in health statuses. Their research and service activities are often accomplished through multi-disciplinary collaboration within and outside the IHSM and Kyrgyzstan. This broad approach enables us to tackle difficult issues in order to improve health of our communities, provide information and expertise to people, both in Kyrgyzstan and around the world. Several of our experts in environmental and occupational health enjoy advice from the community on issues in these areas of research.

A career in public health is a rewarding path to helping individuals and populations live their healthiest lives. The work public health specialists do is fundamental to the practice of evidence-based public health and medicine and affects the lives of millions of people globally.
We invite you to join in these activities. We welcome any inquiry from community members and applications from prospective students.

      1F Intergelpo, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

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