Учебная часть


Copyright of the international festival “Rukhany Baylyk”

On December 21, 2023, on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of Ch. Aitmatov, the international festival “Rukhany Baylyk” was held, organized by the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev and the International Higher School of Medicine. The international festival was attended by educational institutions: Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I. Akhunbaev, International Higher School of Medicine, International University of Kyrgyzstan, Salymbekov University. As a result of this project of the International Festival, a Certificate was received from Kyrgyzpatent, which has copyright on the object.


  1. Akhunbaev Stalbek Mederovich
  2. Uzakov Orozaly Jaanbaevich
  3. Kudaibergenova Indira Orozobaevna
  4. Zhunushalieva Gulsunkan Ishengazievna
  5. Zaiyrkulova Rima Zhenishovna
  6. Alymkylova Nuriia Nasipkulovna
  7. Galieva Diana Akylbekovna

At the end of the festival, the challenge cup was awarded to Salymbekov University.
In accordance with the Regulations on the Rukhany Baylyk festival, it takes place every 2 years at the university, where a rolling cup is awarded.
In general, this patent confirmed the high quality and significance of the projects presented at the festival and indicates global recognition.