

Учебная часть



IFMSA's August Meeting 2022. Istanbul,Turkey.

Members of the Amsa-Kyrgyzstan took part in the 71st August Meeting of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)  being among the delegations of the Association of Asian Medical Students (AMSA).  

IFMSA’s August meeting was held in Istanbul, Turkey, from August 1st-7th 2022. The purpose of the meeting is to inspire the next generation of future doctors to become leaders and defenders of their profession. Meanwhile the participants of the event received the knowledge, skills and values necessary for professional growth.   AMSA - Kyrgyzstan is a non-profitable , non-governmental , non-political and totally
Student led National Member Organisation which represents local and
international medical students. AMSA - Kyrgyzstan was founded with the support of the IHSM administration.


They attended the various sessions and workshops including the Exchange and  Activities Fair.

Exchange fair:

Here all the National Medical Organization showcase what they best hold for exchange programs within their countries including clinical workshops and programs & academic abilities .The National medical organizations provide bilateral and unilateral contracts in which students can move for a month to other countries for learning and getting exposure to clinical and academic abilities of other countries. Our NMO AMSA-KG participated this year and provides best of the best exchanges for students for their skillful career. We are happy to announce that we have signed exchange contracts with the National Medical Organization of Kazakhstan , Indonesia, India . So we will provide our students the best exposure to these countries for their best medical career .

Activity fair: 
Activities that were impactful within the country and are appreciated and helped the society in a true form are showcased in this session. Around 40 activities were selected this year from all around the world by the National Medical Organization and one of which was our activity from AMSA-KG on the topic " "Project MAMA" by our SCORA committee . This activity was appreciated at an international level by IFMSA and was selected for showcasing at the activities fair. Various other national medical organizations and their delegates were inspired and motivated by our activity.

We are proud of our esteemed members for elegantly representing Kyrgyzstan at an international platform.