Учебная часть



Student Council of International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM) conducted the 1st IHSM Talks on 22nd January 2020 at the Main Campus.


IHSM Talks includes topics on scientific, cultural, political, as well as academic fields.


The first speaker of IHSM Talks was Mr. Koustubh Sharma, International Coordinator & Senior Regional Ecologist of the Secretariat of the Global Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Protection Program (GSLEP) in Kyrgyzstan since 2014.


Mr. Koustubh Sharma helps with monitoring and evaluating the implementation of activities under the GSLEP program by range countries and supports leadership in taking action towards achieving the program goals.


The second speaker of IHSM Talks was Mr. Tugolbai Tagaev, MD., Assistant of Pathology Department, and The Best Teacher of IHSM 2019.


Mr. Tugolbai Tagaev shares his knowledge and skills not only with the students of IHSM but also with the students of other leading medical institutions of Kyrgyzstan.


Well-crafted speeches of the speakers were delivered effectively, benefited the audience with a new set of information, new perspectives, which created new opportunities for the listeners and paved the way for the new goal.


Administration of IHSM expresses its deepest gratitude for the speakers, as well as members of the Student Council for convening such an interesting event and looks forward to more sapid IHSM Talks, that will be effective not only for the students but for the community in whole.