Учебная часть



Message for students

Dear students,

Due to the  considerable increased transmission  of Covid-19 in Kyrgyzstan, The IHSM administration asks you to follow required precautions in order to be safe and healthy: 


  • keep a safe distance from others, 
  • wear a mask,
  • ventilate the premises well, 
  • avoid crowded places, 
  • wash your hands and cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.


The school administration has been doing everything possible to protect your health while visiting campuses and ask you not to remove your mask while attending offline classes.

At the entrance to any campuses, there is a stand with a touchless hand sanitizer dispenser and a touchless thermometer to check the temperature.

We ask you to refrain from shaking hands and hugs and stay at a distance of 1-1.5 m from other students and faculty/administration members.


Your safety is our top priority.

Stay safe and healthy!