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Our members are among the 100 influential women of the country

On March 6, 2021, on the eve of International Women's Day,  following faculty members and members of the administration of the International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM)  were awarded the badge and diploma "Kyrgyzdyn myrzaiymy" and entered the list of 100 influential women of Kyrgyzstan according to the republican public magazine "Jetigen". 


◾Ainura M. Satarkulova, Dean, M.D.

◾Jypara K. Mukambetova, Vice-Dean, Chairman of the Professional Union Committee of the IHSM, 

◾Aigul A. Chonkoeva, Head of the Fundamental Disciplines  Department, Ph.D.(Biology), Assoc. Professor, 

◾Zarema Sh. Kolkombaeva, Head of the International Affairs Department, 

◾Aizada R. Buteshova, PhD, Ass. Professor, senior instructor of the Russian language, Humanities Department, 

◾Zhamila Bekten, Head of the marketing and alumni monitoring sector. 



The badge and diploma “Kyrgyzdyn myrzaiymy” were awarded to women from all over Kyrgyzstan  for outstanding achievements and great contribution to the development of the country, active social activities, many years of conscientious work in the field of education, medicine, politics, and the social sphere.

The purpose of the ceremony was to unite prominent women of  Kyrgyzstan from different fields.

Over a hundred women were awarded, including deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament), businesswomen, public figures, representatives of culture, artists, and others.


The administration of the IHSM congratulates its employees on the nomination "Kyrgyzdyn myrzaiymy" and wishes them further success in the field of education and science!