Учебная часть



Our students participated in the C5+ Youth Council conducted by the U.S.Embassy

Students of the International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM) - Mehtab Asrar, Sanobar Sheikh  and Ashish took part in the quiz competition “Human rights in Central Asia and Afghanistan” conducted by the C5+ Youth Council in association with American Council and Embassy of the United States (U.S.) in Kyrgyzstan on 14th December 2022.

As a result, our students got the 3rd place in the quiz competition showing their knowledge on world affairs, despite the fact that, they are with the medical background.

The Minister of Culture of the U.S. - Veronica Elkins inaugurated  the participants of the quiz from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan.

We congratulate our students for showing great results in the competition and wish more victories in the future.