Учебная часть



Seminar for the faculty members of the IHSM

Prof. Don Eliseo Lucero-Prisno III conducted the seminar for the International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM) academics titled “From Preparation to Publication: Understanding the Nitty-gritty of the Scientific Publishing Process”. This seminar aimed to prepare and equip academics in the IHSM with the knowledge and skills to successfully navigate the often-difficult terrain of scientific publishing, thereby ensuring their voices and work are being heard globally. 

Attended by a diverse group of graduate students, faculty members, and researchers, the seminar proved to be a resounding success, providing valuable insights and practical guidance for those navigating the academic publishing landscape. The seminar fostered an interactive environment, with ample time allocated for discussions and a dynamic Q&A session. Attendees seized the opportunity to seek personalized advice and clarify doubts, creating a collaborative atmosphere conducive to learning. 

Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the seminar’s relevance, practicality, and Professor Lucero-Prisno’s effective communication style. Many expressed newfound confidence in approaching the publication process, emphasizing the seminar’s immediate impact on their research endeavours.

As a follow-up, Professor Lucero-Prisno announced plans for additional resources, including workshop materials, templates, and ongoing support for attendees as they progress in their publication journeys.

In conclusion, the seminar on preparing and publishing research papers led by Professor Lucero-Prisno proved to be an invaluable resource for attendees, equipping them with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complexities of academic publishing successfully. The event’s success reflects Professor Lucero-Prisno’s commitment to fostering a culture of scholarly excellence within our academic community.