



The introduction of such a scientific discipline as Philosophy into the list of compulsory subjects taught to foreign students is intended to facilitate the formation of a categorical apparatus in students applicable in the theoretical and research field of medical activity, in addition, it develops analytical and abstract thinking necessary for mastering any type of knowledge, including that in the therapeutic field.

In addition, an understanding of the basic laws of the progressive and sustainable movement of society, knowledge of the main stages and key points in the development of the scientific thought has traditionally always been an integral part of higher education, regardless of the direction of study and specialization, which has always favorably distinguished a person with higher education, giving him (her) depth of views allowing him (her) to actively participate not only in direct activities, but also play the direct role of the subject in the political and historical processes of the native country and the global community. Philosophical categories remove linguistic limitations, providing an understanding between the doctor and the patient, while knowledge of the history of philosophy increases the general culture of the student, contributes to solving problems of a moral nature. Theoretical philosophy helps the adequate formation and expression of worldview positions.

For students majoring in General Medicine.

  • Total labor input: 2 credits (72 hours)
  • Classroom sessions: 36 hours
  • Students’ independent work: 36 hours
  • Semester: 2
  • Final control: test