
The International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM) is a modern university recognized by international medical education organizations. The IHSM was established in 2003 as part of a strategy to reform the education system and increase the competitiveness of domestic universities. The main emphasis in the creation of the IHSM was placed on the creation of a modern and dynamic educational institution that provides high quality training and has a competitive potential in the medical education market. The IHSM is an innovative educational institution where we help to realize dreams of a career in medicine and shape future leaders in this field.

The IHSM welcomes students from all over the world and provides them with ample opportunities to learn and grow. The IHSM faculty are highly qualified experts in their fields who use the most advanced teaching methods to ensure that our students receive the best education in medicine. We are constantly working on improving our curriculum and we upgrade our equipment to prepare our students for the challenges of modern medicine.

Our school occupies a leading position in the national university rankings and is represented by students from 14 different countries. Most of our graduates pass the qualifying exam on the first try, which proves the quality of education we provide. We are also proud that over 92% of our graduates are employed, which say for the effectiveness of the physician training program. Our school is the first university in the Kyrgyz Republic as well as in the CIS countries to offer full education in English (5 years). Our school is proud of its academics, including 39 MDs and 164 PhDs, who are the recognized leaders in the medical field. With over 1 600 members, our Alumni Association also highlights our commitment to quality education and support for our alumni at all stages of their careers in medicine.

The IHSM trains only citizens of foreign countries: India, Pakistan, South Korea, Afghanistan, Great Britain, Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives and other countries. Therefore, training is conducted in English. The structure of the IHSM is organized according to the international standards for medical educational institutions. Such an organization of the school activities allows conducting external and internal policies based on the principles of transparency and academic honesty, and also provides to the staff, faculty and students to take part in many aspects of the life of the university. Structurally, the IHSM consists of one faculty "General Medicine" and 15 departments.

During the functioning of the IHSM, more than 5 thousand graduates received a diploma in their specialty. The IHSM graduates successfully pass the FMGE, NLE, PLAB, USMLE exams in their homeland and work in their specialty in India, Pakistan, Japan, Korea, USA, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Saudi Arabia, the Netherlands, Germany, etc. Also, the IHSM graduates study in master and doctoral studies at Florida International University, USA, at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and others.