
Students' Affairs Department

Central Campus, 1F Intergelpo street,
Bishkek, 720054

Buteshova Gulzat Raisovna

Head of the Department

We are structural division of IHSM, has been working with student document since 2003. Students from countries such as India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Great Britain, Maldives, USA, Turkey, Korea and others are trained in IHSM. 

The main work of the department is focused on the proper keeping and processing of documents, and we also issue student cards, record books, academic certificates and a number of other documents required by students.

Our department conducts accounting and statistics of all students studying in IHSM. The department closely cooperates with other subdivisions of IHSM. Leads correspondence with both local and foreign universities. 

We wish all students success in their studies! To achieve the delivered goal! And let the chosen profession will be a joy for you and we hope that you will become skilled and highly qualified specialists not only in your own country, but also abroad.

We will make every effort so that you get sufficient knowledge and become successful doctors who love their profession.