
Clinical Simulation Center

IHSM Clinical Simulation Center, 17A
Lev Tolstoy street, Bishkek, 720007

Svetlana G. Zasedateleva

Head of the Clinical Simulation Center

The International Higher School of Medicine has organized a modern Clinical Simulation Center with equipment, where practical classes are held with multiple repetitions of manipulations according to the protocols of clinical skills. It bridges a gap between the old and new approaches in the formation of the basic clinical skills of future specialists.

Our Mission:
"Using simulation to improve quality of education and safety of patients"
Clinical simulation center is aimed to organize practical education of students that forms the basic skills of a doctor. Simulation-based classes are a powerful tool and effective means to help prevent errors and enhance the quality of medical care by improving the preparedness and competence of health professionals to perform their clinical and humanistic duties.

Our center includes simulation rooms for the main areas: Introduction in internal medicine and family medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and surgery.