
We're thrilled to announce that International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM), in collaboration with partner universities from Kyrgyzstan, Germany, and Lithuania, has secured the prestigious national project "Green and Digital Universities for Sustainable Development of Kyrgyzstan - GREENKG" as part of the European Commission Erasmus+ 2023 program within the Capacity Development in Higher Education (CBHE) component.

«Green and Digital Office» is officially coming to life at International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM)!

 What is the Green and Digital Office?
This innovative initiative aims to transform IHSM into a hub for sustainable development and digital innovation. Our goal is to create a greener and more digitally connected educational institution that serves as a model for others to follow.

 Why is it important?
By integrating sustainable practices and cutting-edge digital technologies, we are taking a giant leap towards a more sustainable future for Kyrgyzstan. This initiative will not only benefit our students but also contribute to the broader community and environment.

 Stay Connected!
Follow us for regular updates on the progress of the Green and Digital Office at IHSM. We're committed to sharing our journey with you as we work towards a more sustainable and digitally advanced future for Kyrgyzstan.

Kick-Off Meeting

On January 11th and 12th, 2024, representatives of the International Higher School of Medicine participated in Kick-Off Meeting in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Esteemed participants included heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, representatives from the European Union, Erasmus+, and the GREENKG project consortium coordinators, rectors, and members of the media.

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Встреча Рабочей команды по проекту Эразмус+ Green KG

26 января 2024 года в МВШМ прошла первая встреча Рабочей Команды по проекту “GreenKG – зеленый и цифровой университет для устойчивого развития Кыргызстана», финансируемый Европейской Комиссии Эразмус+ в рамках компонента программы "Развитие потенциала в высшем образовании" (CBHE).
