


Round table at the Humanities Department of the IHSM

As part of academic mobility, on February 22, 2022, a round table was held at the Department of Humanities  of the International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM) with the participation of the faculty member of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino, Uzbekistan .




During the round table, the following topics were covered:

-“History of the establishment of the IHSM and the main activities of the department” -  Alymkulova N.N., head of the department, 

-“Educational and methodological works of the department” - Karimova S.A., vice-head of the department,

-“Research works of the teaching staff of the department and student circles” - Buteshova A.R., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Acting Assoc. Prof.,

-“Active teaching methods at the IHSM” -  Emilbekova S.O., senior teacher of English, 

-“Curatorial and social - educational works of the department” - Azhibekova A.A., senior teacher of the Russian language and curator of the department.


In turn, the teacher Mansurova A.R. spoke about the work of the Academic Lyceum of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino.
Moreover, the guest were shown videos of the best concert performances of students.
In conclusion, the parties expressed their desire for further cooperation.