


Student life of the IHSM

On 4th March of 2022, the students of the International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM) along with the representatives of Support Service of the IHSM visited an art exhibition held in Bishkek,  Art Museum named after G. Aitiev conducted by 

Representatives of the government, public organizations, cultural and public figures visited the event.




Furthermore, 17 professional and emerging artists presented unique works in various techniques highlighting the problems of society. The main goal of the exhibition was to show the intellectual and creative potential of Muslim women and to destroy the stereotypes that have developed in society. 

Moreover, it is aimed to encourage the younger generation to show interest in art, self-development, to give impetus to young people to think about issues that are important for the whole society.
We keep striving for a better socializing of our students with local people and find out more about the culture of our country.