
Pakistan Medical Commission



The Pakistan Medical Commission, PMC, (previously known as Pakistan Medical&Dental Council) is a statutory regulatory authority that maintains the official register of medical practitioners within Pakistan. Its chief function is to establish uniform minimum standard of basic and higher qualifications in medicine and dentistry throughout Pakistan by controlling entry to the PMC register of medical practitioners within Pakistan and suspending or removing members when necessary. It also sets the education standards for Medical Colleges in Pakistan along with the Higher Education Commission.


The Pakistan Medical and Dental Council was initially established as Pakistan Medical Council in 1948 by adopting the British Indian Medical Council Act 1933 on the recommendations of the 1947 Pakistan Health Conference. It was later reorganized under the Pakistan Medical Council Act 1951 whereby each province has its own medical council. In 1957, the West Pakistan Medical Council was formed by merging the Sindh Medical Council and the Punjab Medical Council. The Pakistan Medical Council Ordinance 1962 established the present-day Pakistan Medical and Dental Council as a statutory body in 1962 and all provincial councils were dissolved. Three amendments were passed thereafter as the Medical and Dental Council (Amendment) Act in 1973, 1999 and 2012.