
Nepal Medical Council



Nepal Medical Council (NMC) was established in 2020 by the act of Parliament. The primary role of the Council has been to register qualified doctors to the Register of NMC and allow them to practice safe modern medicine. The role of NMC has evolved over the period of time: From mere registration of doctors that are eligible to practice modern medicine to conducting licensing examination before registration, to monitoring and regulation of medical education in the country. With enforcement of the new Health Professional Education Commission (HPEC) Bill the role of NMC in medical education is being shifted to HPEC. NMC now onwards will be focusing on the following major areas of work:

- Improve the standards of the Medical licensing examinations and specialist examinations.

- Establish and enforce Continuous Professional Development of the medical practitioners.

- Monitor, encourage and enforce ethical medical practice in all spheres of healthcare.


NMC strives to educate its members, enable them to optimize their practice environment and enforce minimum service standards.  We are striving to use IT to minimize physical work, expedite service to its members, and make all its work transparent and visible. It is also moving towards computer based testing and possibly to online testing in future. The examinations are going to be more and more competency based so that any doctor getting license of NMC will have minimum skills sets and competency to treat the emergencies and common medical conditions affecting the people of Nepal.