

Today, on 24th of January 2019, at the building of “Seitek” in Bishkek, ISM has carried out the Convocation Ceremony of winter 2019. There we celebrated graduation of new medical specialists. Our students have spent five incredible years of studying medicine including for the sake of participation in today’s breakthrough event!


The event started at 1 p.m. After paying honor to the official anthems of the Kyrgyz Republic, Pakistan, and India, the rector of ISM Mr. Akhunbaev S.M., made an opening speech. During the speech he congratulated all graduates on behalf of ISM. Then, Mr. Akhunbaev S.M. granted time and gave the floor to the ambassadors of Pakistan and India to offer their speeches to students.


Shortly afterwards, and right after taking Hippocratic oath, the rector of ISM Mr. Akhunbaev S.M. announced the procedure of graduation to hand the “medical doctor” diplomas.


We are proud and happy we have trained a new group of medical specialists. Every now and then ISM tries to strengthen its positions in offering medical education to the highest standards possible!