

Mathematics is not about numbers, equitation, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding.
- William Paul Thurston


Mathematics is an essential discipline in today’s world. It is a powerful tool for understanding the world around us and our perspective of the important issues facing us as individuals, families, businesses, and nations. Math surrounds us; we see and use math skills and capabilities every day–from balancing our checkbooks to advertising agencies to doctors; from retailers to builders, lawyers and accountants.


Everyone needs some level of specific mathematics knowledge.


Natural Sciences Department of International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM) conducted an Olympiad on Mathematics on 25th January 2020 among the 1st-semester students.


During the Olympiad, the participants demonstrated smartness, analytical thinking as well as logic, making the competition interesting and informative.


The team of the jury, teachers of computer science: Eldar Djumagulov and Bermet Isakova chaired by Candidate of Technical Sciences – Svetlana Manjikova, divided meritorious as follows:


Methomedi - I place


Infiniti – II place


Brainstormers - III


Administration of IHSM expresses its gratitude to the organizers of Olympiad, as well as its participants and wishes good luck in future endeavors.