
(full-time studies is 3 years, part-time form of studies is 4 years) at the International Higher School of Medicine are carried out in the following branches of science and scientific specialties:

  • Surgery 
  • Pediatrics 
  • Infectious diseases 
  • Therapy 
  • Obstetrics and gynecology 
  • Physiology
  • Pathologic physiology
  • Public Health


1. Entrance tests shall be conducted in Kyrgyz or Russian: 

  • for a chosen specialty;
  • history and philosophy of science
  • state language (Kyrgyz)
  • foreign language

2. Applicants with a certificate of passing the test (TOEFL 600/250/100, IELTS 7.0) are exempt from the entrance test in a foreign language;

3. Admission to entrance exams is allowed with a passport or other identification document;

4. Persons who fail to go through the entrance tests for a valid reason (illness or other circumstances documented) shall be admitted to them individually afterwards. 


1. Admission to IHSM shall be carried out on the personal application of citizens;

2. When applying for admission to a higher educational institution, an applicant, at his/her discretion, shall present an original documents providing his identity, citizenship, an original or a certified photocopy of a state-issued certificate of education and the required number of photographs;

3. Applicants with an academic degree of “master” or higher professional education with the qualification of “specialist” are accepted for postgraduate research studies;

4. Applicants who have submitted obviously false documents to the university selection committee shall be liable under the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic;

Upon arrival at the IHSM, applicant must provide the following   documents:

  • An application addressed to the rector of the IHSM for admission to the university.
  • Document providing identity and citizenship. Passport with an appropriate entry visa (if foreign applicant);
  • Substantiation of the planned report agreed with a supposed domestic or foreign scientific consultant (in 10 pages); 
  • Written consent of the research supervisor to the research supervision (in free form); 
  • Diploma or in case of a diploma copy it should be certified by the notary;
  • Copy of the certificate of passing the test Russian language (if foreign applicant);
  • 3 colored photographs of 3.5x4.5 cm in size;
  • Medical reference - 086 form;
  • Personal card for staff registration records and a document certifying to labor activity (needed for individuals with work experience);
  • Copy of the compulsory medical insurance certificate (if foreign applicant).


1. Tuition fees for 2023-2024 academic year are:

  • For the citizens of Kyrgyz Republic at a rate of 60 000 soms (KGZ) 
  • For the citizens of other countries at a rate of 120 000 soms (KGZ).
  • For permanent members of IHSM at a rate of 30 000 soms (KGZ).

2. The costs associated with the stay of foreign applicants / students in the Kyrgyz Republic, including payment for meals, additional educational services and other expenses shall be incurred independently by the applicant / student or official representative, in accordance with the rules and procedures established in the IHSM;

3. Upon admission of the applicant to the IHSM, a contract shall be concluded for the entire period of study. The contract shall be signed by the Rector.


1. An applicant can apply online.

2. Except the main requirements we have a set of other specific rules for each country. The additional information might be provided in the regional offices of our regional representatives or directly from our Research and Analytical Department (contact information is below).

3. After fulfilling all the requirements  and getting admitted  you will be provided with a provisional admission letter and application form at your request. 

4. Successful applicants are required to apply for e-visa form the Ministry of External Affairs of Kyrgyz Republic. Please visit:;

5. Or you may contact with the regional representative of your country or International Cooperation Center ( and provide your documents for getting e-visa;

For more important information, please contact Research and Analytical Department:
