
Our courses


  The course in "Hematology" is mandatory and one of the most important sections of internal diseases. In previous years of study, students took courses in propaedeutic therapy, pathological physiology, pathological anatomy, pharmacology, propaedeutic therapy, the basics of medical communication and deontology. Therefore, students have sufficient basic knowledge to study the particular pathology of internal diseases. Blood diseases, as a …

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  The course in "ENDOCRINOLOGY" is compulsory for the studying at later years of study (senior courses) at the IHSM (6th semester, 3 year) and is one of the most important sections of internal diseases. In the initial training courses at the IHSM students received the necessary basic knowledge, namely, they took courses in anatomy and pathological anatomy, physiology and …

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  The course in “RHEUMATOLOGY” is compulsory for studying at the later years of study at the IHSM (3rd year of study) and is one of the most important sections of internal diseases. In the initial courses (years of study), students having received basic knowledge, namely the courses of anatomy and pathological anatomy, physiology and pathological physiology, pharmacology, propaedeutic therapy, …

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  In the list of promising specialties, the field of health care and medicine ranks special. This field meets the vital needs of society and continues to play a key role in the further development of mankind. Not a single society can do without a medical care system, and people in them are highly demanded. This testifies to that the …

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  The course "Nephrology" is mandatory for study and is one of the most important sections of internal diseases. This discipline is included in the senior years of study per school curriculum of the IHSM. In previous years of study, students took courses in propaedeutic therapy, pathological physiology, pathological anatomy, pharmacology, propaedeutic therapy, the basics of medical communication and deontology. …

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  The course "Pulmonology" is a must to study at the senior courses of IHSM (3d year of sudy). In the initial courses, students have received the basic knowledge that is necessary for the study of clinical disciplines. Knowledge of anatomy and pathological anatomy, physiology and pathological physiology, pharmacology, propaedeutic therapy, the basis of medical communication and deontology, etc. serve …

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  The course "Gastroenterology" is a must to study at senior courses of IHSM. In the initial courses, students have received the basic knowledge that is necessary for the study of clinical disciplines. Knowledge of anatomy and pathological anatomy, physiology and pathological physiology, pharmacology, propaedeutic therapy, the basics of medical communication and deontology, and other knowledge serve as the basis …

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  Traditional medicine is an aggregate based on the centuries-old traditions of folk medicine, methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and medical rehabilitation, approved for medical use in the prescribed manner and taught in the system of additional medical education. Also, the views, knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of traditional wellness systems, transmitted from generation to generation orally or …

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  The presented curriculum is compiled in accordance with the current curriculum in clinical pharmacology for higher educational medical institutions. The program is universal both for students of the medical faculty of the Higher School of Medicine and for other medical faculties of higher educational institutions of our country and has unified goals, objectives and the subject of theoretical and …

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  Massage is a scientifically proven, substantiated by a long-term practice, the most appropriate and physiological medical method for the human body. It is used in all medical institutions: hospitals, clinics, resorts, medical, sports and other clinics. The role of massage has increased, especially recently, in connection with its inclusion in the system of medical rehabilitation institutions aimed at restoring …

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  The subject “Medical control” is a must to study at the senior courses of the Higher School of Medicine. In the initial courses, students received the basic knowledge that is necessary for the study of clinical disciplines. Knowledge of anatomy and pathological anatomy, physiology and pathological physiology, pharmacology, propaedeutic therapy, the basics of medical communication and deontology, and other …

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  Physiotherapy exercises are increasingly used in the treatment of various diseases and injuries, as well as for rehabilitation. The role of these methods has especially increased in the treatment of patients in whom a number of drugs cause allergies. Exercise therapy does not have adverse side effects. Scientific and technological progress has changed the living conditions of people, but …

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  The study of occupational diseases is aimed at the formation of a doctor with clinical thinking, medical deontology and knowledge of the examination and treatment of patients with occupational and somatic diseases necessary for a future specialist, regardless of his/her field of activity. At the same time, it is planned to teach him/her the modern basics of primary and …

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  The modern level of medical knowledge and scientific and technological progress have ensured the widespread use of natural and reformed physical factors in the general system of medical and preventive and rehabilitation health care measures. Their rational use contributes to a more rapid restoration or compensation of the bodily functions impaired by the disease. The possibility for a pathological …

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  Modern medical practice requires the training of qualified doctors who can solve complex issues of early recognition, rational treatment and prevention of various diseases of internal organs. Knowledge of the basics of internal diseases is of paramount importance for the training of doctors of all specialties. When studying internal diseases, the foundations of clinical thinking, medical deontology are formed, …

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