
1. Визит профессора Дитхельм Кляйнера в рамках программы “SES” по проведению мастер-классов и лекции по микробиологии (Германия).
Профессор Д. Кляйнер провел мастер классы и прочитал лекции по актуальным вопросам микробиологии и эпидемиологии, “From Genes to proteins”, “How can bacteria overcome our defense systems”, “Antibiotic and antibiotic resistances”, “ Principles of gene technology” с 15 по 28 мая 2022 года.

2. Визит д.м.н., профессора Тогузбаевой К.К.  с КазНМУ им. С.Д. Асфендиярова (Казахстан).
В рамках организации Международной научно-практической конференции молодых ученых и студентов  на тему: «Экологическая устойчивость и здоровье населения» была приглашена Тогузбаевой К.К. в качестве председателя заседания Секции 2: «Влияние факторов окружающей среды на здоровье населения» , также с 6 по 20 апреля 2022 года были проведены мастер классы по методике преподавания профилактических дисциплин и оказания консультационной помощи в разработке совместных проектов между МВШМ и КазНМУ им. С.Д. Асфендиярова.  

3. Визит к.м.н. Архипова Алексея Николаевича, заведующего кардиохирургическим отделением врожденных пороков сердца, сердечно-сосудистый хирург Национального медицинского исследовательского центра имени академика Е.Н.Мешалкина (Россия).
С 16 по 18 мая 2022 года Алексей Архипов Николаевич прочитал доклад и провел мастер-класс на тему: "Малоинвазивные технологии в хирургическом лечении" в рамках V ежегодной научно-практической конференции на тему: "Инновационная кардиохирургия". 

4. Визит профессора Сайеда Амира Гилани проректора по учебной работе Лахорского (Пакистан).    
С 14 по 16 сентября 2022 года профессором Сайедом Амиром Гилани были проведены лекции для студентов на следующие темы: “Объем сертификации в Великобритании для медицинских работников” и “Является ли сонография эффективным инструментом для оценки GIT?    

5.    Визит профессора Татьяны Калгановой Университета Бурнеля, Лондон (Великобритания).
7 сентября 2022 года состоялся визит Директора Центра последипломного обучения Университета Брунель, Лондон, Великобритания, партнера МВШМ по  проекту  Эразмус Плюс DERECKA, профессора Татьяны Калгановой. Во время визита в МВШМ состоялась  встреча с ректором МВШМ Ахунбаевым С. М., проректором по УВР Усеновой А.А., кординатором проекта Джусуповым К.О., деканом ПДО Бажановой А.Е.  В ходе встречи стороны обсудили сотрудничество в рамках проекта DERECKA с целью укрепления научно-исследовательского и инновационного потенциала МВШМ, а также   развития академической мобильности ППС и обучающихся.

Программа визита также включала экскурсию по учебным корпусам и Медицинской клинике «VEDANTA» МВШМ. Второй визит профессора Татьяны Калгановой состоялся в марте 2023 года. Профессор Калганова Т. посетила МВШМ и прочитала лекции для студентов и дала интервью относительно сотрудничества МВШМ и Университета Брунеля в Лондоне, и о перспективах постдипломного образования в общественном здравоохранении. 

Dr. Cheng-Har Yip

Dr. Cheng-Har Yip, MBBS (Mal), FRCSEd, 
Consultant Breast Surgeon, Breast Centre Subang Jaya Medical Centre / Parkcity Medical Centre, Emeritus Professor of  Surgery, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur

Dr. Hans Orru

Dr. Hans Orru, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of the Public Health Department, Institute of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Tartu - 4 lectures on Environmental Health for PhD students -24-28 June 2017

Dr. Stefan Mandic-Rajcevic

Dr. Stefan Mandic-Rajcevic earned his degreed as a Medical Doctor at the School of Medicine of the University of Belgrade (Serbia), and went on to do a Ph.D. in Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene at the University of Milan (Italy). During his PhD he has done research and practical activities at the International Centre for Rural Health (WHO Collaborating Centre) at San Paolo Hospital

Dario Consonni

Dario Consonni, MD, PhD,  Professor of Epidemiology and Statistics, University of Milan, Milan, Italy

Gert van der Laan

Gert van der Laan is specialist in Occupational Medicine,founder of the Netherlands Center for Occupational Diseases. Dedicated to improve workers health, Affiliations:  Visiting professor at the International Centre for Rural Health, University of Milano;  Foundation for Learning and Developing Occupational Health, Hilversum, The Netherlands; VU Medical Centre, Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Paul Smits

Paul Smits - the consultant of the Foundation for Learning and  Developing Occupational Health, Netherlands.Principal Educator in OH at the Academic Medical Centre (AMC) in Amsterdam, key expert in development and evaluation of medical education. 

Dr. Mohammad Bagher Rokni

Dr. Mohammad Bagher Rokni, Editor of Iranian Journal of Public Health, Professor of the Department of Medical Parasitology & Mycology, Teheran University of Medical Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran

Prof. Claudio Colosio

Prof. Claudio Colosio, Associate Prof. of Occupational Health, Scientific Coordinator of the International Centre for Rural Health, WHO Collaborating Centre, and of the Public Health Working Group of the DISS. His main field of interest are Rural Occupational Health, pesticides, diagnosis and prevention of occupational diseases. He has participated in several international collaborative projects, in two cases as coordinator: Safefoodnet and Tempus-Central Asian Network for Education, Research and Innovation in Environmental Health (CANERIEH). It is particularly important, in light of the coordination capacities needed in this project, the experience gained in the coordination of CANERIEH, carried out in Central Asia with most of the partners involved in this application. He has an intense teaching activity, has tutored more than 50 bachelor and master degree thesis and more than 10 PhD programmes, in three cases with international students. He has authored or co-authored 100 publications on peer reviewed scientific journals, 20 book chapters and more than 200 presentations in international Congresses (15 as invited speaker). He is Secretary of the Scientific Committee on Rural Health of the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) and Vice President, International Association of Agricultural Medicine & Rural Health.

Chandran Achutan

Chandran Achutan, PhD, CIH, Associate Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center

Andrea L Steege

Andrea L Steege, PhD MPH,Epidemiologist, National Occupational Mortality Surveillance (NOMS) National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Peer-Olaf Kalis Dipl-Ing

Peer-Olaf Kalis Dipl-Ing. Peer-Olaf Kalis, studied Environmental Engineering (TU Berlin), Education (FU Hagen) and E-Learning (TU Kaiserslautern / DIE). Since 1992 he has been working as a research assistant at the TU Berlin in the field of scientific further education. His work focuses on "teaching and learning with digital media" and the protection of intellectual property. He leads the subproject tu digit  within the framework of the " Quality Pact for Teaching "

Malcolm Antony Moore

Malcolm Antony Moore, Ph.D. Director-Coordination, Asia Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention, Korean Cancer Center, Goyang, Korea. Faculty of Public Health, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand

Lorena Baccaglini

Lorena Baccaglini, PhD, DDS, MS Associate Professor
Department of Epidemiology, University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Public Health

Dr. Kati Orru

Dr. Kati Orru, PhD, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social Studies, Institute of Social Studies, University of Tartu - 4 lectures on Qualitative Research Methods in Health for PhD students - 24-28 June 2017

Dr. Katrin Lang

Dr. Katrin Lang, PhD, Associate Professor of the Public Health Department, Institute of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Tartu - 4 lectures on Epidemiology for PhD students -9-11 May 2018

Dr. Kirsten Parnu

Dr. Kirsten Parnu, PhD, Associate Professor of the Public Health Department, Institute of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Tartu - 4 lectures on Health Promotion Research for PhD students -9-11 June 2018

Dr Sanat Kumar Dalal

Dr Sanat Kumar Dalal Ph.D.,Master of Surgery.,MBBS Superintendent Shri Ramsnehi Chikitsalaya(Hospital) and Anushandhan Kendra (Research Centre), Bhilwara, Rajasthan, India

Frank Van Dijk

Frank Van Dijk is specialist in Occupational Health/Medicine, emeritus professor/head of the Coronel Institute, AMC, University of Amsterdam,including the Netherlands Center for Occupational Diseases. Chair ICOH SC Education and Training.Affiliations: VU Medical Centre, Free University of Amsterdam, The NetherlandsFoundation for Learning and Developing Occupational Health, Hilversum, The Netherlands;LMU University in München (Munich), Germany.

Ene Indermitte

Ene Indermitte - Associate Professor of the Public Health Department at the Institute of Public Health and Family Medicine of the University of Tartu.MPH, PhD, researcher in the field of environmental health. Her main research areas are health risk factors in living and occupational environments, focusing on drinking water quality and health risks and microbiological risk factors. She has participated as a partner in ECRHS survey. She has an additional training in toxicology (B-TOX program) and environmental health. She was actively involved in establishing ISO 17025 accredited Laboratory of Work Environment at UT. She is responsible for the analytical methods in microbiology in the Laboratory and has 10 years experience in assessing biological health risk from indoor environments. She is also a coordinator of Master program of public health in UT

Ashraf Nasir Khan

Professor  Dr. Ahsfaq Nasir Khan 
(MBBS -FCPS (Genral surgery) and laproscopic surgeon)
Working as an Associate Professor and consultant G.surgeon at  Capital Hospital Islamabad, Pakistan 

Dr. Karlygash Toguzbaeva

MD, Professor of the Department of Public Health at the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov