
  • Topics of dissertations, supervisors and individual curricula of postgraduate research students are approved by the Academic (Scientific and technical) council of the university and the scientific organization at the same time and are drawn up by the order of the head within 3 months after the start of training. Priority in choosing the topic of the dissertation is given to studies corresponding with the List of priority areas for the development of science in the Kyrgyz Republic, approved by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. 
  • Departments of postgraduate research (aspirantura) and doctoral studies of scientific organizations and universities annually submit the topics of candidate dissertation research, approved by the Academic (Scientific and technical) council in electronic format to the Higher Attestation Commission for further inclusion in the Register of Topical dissertations. 
  • Doctors of sciences in the relevant or related specialty are approved to supervise graduate students. By the decision of the Academic (Scientific and technical) council of the university or scientific organization, candidates of sciences of the corresponding specialty may be involved in the scientific supervision of postgraduate students in accordance with the Regulation on the procedure for awarding scientific degrees, approved by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic dated August 22, 2012 No. 578.
  • The total number of postgraduate research students (applicants) assigned simultaneously to one supervisor should not exceed 5 people.
  • Postgraduate research students performing research at the intersection of two specialties are allowed to perform research under the supervision of two supervisors.
  • The supervisor monitors the postgraduate research student's implementation of the individual curriculum.
  • The postgraduate research student annually submits a report to the Chair (department, sector, laboratory). All reports of postgraduate research students during their studies in postgraduate research programs are stored and submitted along with the dissertation. A postgraduate research student who does not complete an individual curriculum on time is expelled from the program by order of the head of a scientific organization or university. 
  • Postgraduate students use the equipment, laboratories, classrooms, libraries, the right to travel, including to foreign educational and scientific centers, participate in expeditions, etc., on a par with scientific and pedagogical faculty of universities and scientific organizations.
  • In addition to the disciplines of the candidate minimum, the postgraduate students' training program also includes the disciplines of the School of Pedagogical Proficiency  and the Methodology and Methods of Scientific Research. At the end of the postgraduate research program, a corresponding certificate with a supplement is issued, which reflects the list of completed disciplines, the volume of hours and grades obtained in accordance with the requirements established by the authorized state body in the field of science.
  • Full-time postgraduate students have the right to carry out paid scientific, pedagogical work, as long as they fulfill an individual training plan.
  • The remuneration of supervisors is made at the rate of 50 hours per postgraduate student per year, including cases of approval of 2 supervisors.