

The delegation from the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) such as representatives of the Ministry of Health of the RK, leading medical centers, public and private organizations in the health sector, universities, pharmaceutical manufacturers and etc. headed by the Minister of Health of the RK Mr. Yelzhan Birtanov are in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, to participate at the forum “Days of Kazakhstani medicine in Kyrgyzstan” from 13-14 November 2019.


“Days of Kazakhstani medicine in Kyrgyzstan” is an event aimed at strengthening cooperation between the healthcare systems of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, the opportunity to expand the interaction between medical organizations, the exchange of experience and knowledge, innovations and technologies in order to ensure the availability and quality of medical care for citizens of both republics.


The forum includes presentations of reforms in the healthcare sector, new technologies in medicine. During the dialogue platforms issues such as the development of medical tourism, the use of modern nuclear technologies in oncology, the protection of maternal and child health, the development of primary health care, and the digitalization of healthcare will be discussed.


Several memorandums were signed during the forum between the medical organizations of both countries including the International School of Medicine with the National Scientific Medical Center of the Ministry of Health of the RK.