
Invitation to the webinar - US clinical experience

Dear students and graduates of the IHSM,
American Medical Opportunities (AMO)  and the IHSM have partnered together to offer you a variety of clinical experiences in the United States.
In this webinar, an AMO advisor from the United States will discuss how our students and graduates can enhance medical career through a variety of clinical programs, including research and publication opportunities.
AMO offers more than 250 clinical sites to choose from, including top hospitals, from all around the United States.

In order to register to the webinar, go through the link which is given in our BIO.
If you would like to search programs in advance of the webinar,  create a free account following the link above. 

When: Dec 7, 2022 19:00 (KGT)

Topic: IHSM - US Clinical Experiences and US Residency Match