IV International Inter-Institutional Science and Practice Conference
The International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM) is conducting the IV International Inter-Institutional Science and Practice Conference "Innovations in medical science and education" on-line.The conference is being participated by scientists, faculty members, Ph.D. students as well as graduate students and medical students from:
- Azerbaijan
- India
- Kazakhstan
- Kyrgyzstan
- Uzbekistan
54 reports will be presented at the conference on:
Infectious diseases
Public health
Health care and medical education
Morphological and experimental aspects of medicine
Clinical medicine
The conference includes 3 masterclasses:
Endobiliary Surgery
Innovations in Urology
Laparoscopic Technologies in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Moreover, advanced training courses for doctor-teachers in collaboration with the Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow,Russia on "Modern technologies of teaching in a medical university", and "Communicative competence of a doctor-teachers are being held. The International Olympiad of students of medical universities in morphological disciplines will be held from 23-31 October 2020.
Moreover, the webinar «New aspects in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19" is being held by the Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor - Nikiforova V. V. (Russian Federation for infectious disease doctors and pulmonologists of the Kyrgyz Republic. Based on the materials of the scientific and practical conference, the first issue of the "Eurasian Medical Journal" will be published.