

Agenda "Measures to prevent acute respiratory and viral infections, as well as coronavirus.


Rector of International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM), chairman of the council of the rectorate - Akhunbaev S.M. acquainted the 27 council members with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic  No. 282/1 dated March 14, 2020 “Establishment of temporary vacations in educational institutions”.


It was noted that the order of IHSM “Prevention of infectious diseases” No. 38 dated March 13, 2020, was issued to take a number of following measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus.


1.Following members: Akhunbaev S.M. - Chief of Council, Usenova A.A. - Deputy Head, Davletbaev R.M., Chyngyshpaev D.Sh., Phani Potu, Satarkulova A.M., Omurzakova A.M., Kochekbaev U.A., Sunil Yadav., Imran Nazir to organize the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of employees as well as students of the IHSM.


2. Vice-rector of the Academic Affairs - Usenova A.A. on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 282/1 dated March 14, 2020, to organize a distant training for students starting from March 16 to April 8, 2020.


3. Dean - Satarkulova A.M. to organize the implementation of sanitary educational work with students.


4. Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs - Davletbaev R.M. to ensure the required materials and technical parts for the prevention of coronavirus infection (COVID-19).


5. Head of the Department for International Affairs - Omurzakova A.M. to provide awareness-raising work among students, their parents and other interested parties using the official website of IHSM, social networks and other media.


6. Head of the security service - Shigaev A.A. to restrict the pass of unauthorized people to the hostels. Access is possible only with the special permission of the Rector of IHSM.


    Rector takes control of the execution of the order.