

As a follow-up of the TUTORIAL Summer School at Lake Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan, July 2018 three working groups from all Participating Countries developed blended learning modules with support of the EU-partners on three subjects: Occupational Health, Epidemiology/ research methods, and Air Pollution and Health Effects.


The workshop on blended learning modules was conducted in Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, Dushanbe Tajikistan on November 22-26, 2018.  



European Delegation: Gert van der Laan (University of Milano, LDOH), substitute coordinator, Paul Smits (LDOH, The Netherlands), Peer-Olaf Kalis and Anja Wipper (Technical University Berlin, Germany), Triin Veber (Tartu University, Estonia).


Central Asian Countries: Dr. Kenesh Dzhusupov, regional coordinator (International School of Medicine, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan), Prof. Nazokat Kasymova, external evaluator, Uzbekistan, Dr. Khuseyn Egamnazarov (Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, Dushanbe), Dr. Rabiga Kozhamkul (NMU, Almaty, Kazakhstan), Prof. Pranab Nag, (Ramakrishna Mission University, Kolkata India), Dr. Ayan Myssaev (Semey State Medical University, Kazakhstan).


The workshop started with a meeting with the rector, professor Gulzoda, who expressed the commitment of Avicenna Tajik State Medical University with the Erasmus + TUTORIAL project and reconstructing the educational system in line with the Erasmus + goals.


In the workshop, the progress in the development of three shared modules on Epidemiology and Research, Chemical air pollution and human health and Occupational Health was discussed. During a fruitful discussion, agreements were reached about the outline of this module.


During the workshop, the program of the first week was discussed and enriched on a detailed level concerning educational and content-related aspects with Triin Veber and Peer-Olaf Kalis.