
The week of mother tongue at IHSM

Language is the road of map  of a culture. It tells you where it’s people come from and where they are going.


The week of the native language conducted by the Humanities Department of International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM) come to an end. 


During the week, songs and poems were performed in different languages.


The language of each ethic group is interesting and unique, moreover, it reflects its culture, traditions and way of life.


Respect for all languages keeps the world in  peace and helps the world bloom. 


Administration of IHSM expresses  its gratitude to the organizers – Humanities Department @hd_ism_kg ,  The International Academic Union “Team dean office” @ism.iau.teamdeanoffice, participants and faculty Members, for their enthusiasm and active participation in making the event possible.


We were happy to see your perfomances that gave good energy through your positivity in this difficult time.