
Youth and Security

We would like to share the results of our recent meeting, which took place on April 8-9, 2024, together with representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic's anti-extremism and illegal migration service, employees of the drug control service, and a psychiatrist from the Republican Center of Psychiatry and Narcology under the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic. The meeting involved operational-preventive activities organized specifically for our students with the aim of raising awareness and understanding of important issues.

Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs discussed various aspects of extremism, starting from definitions and causes, and ending with methods of combating threats within the framework of the "Youth and Security" campaign. Additionally, the psychiatrist presented an analysis of the situation regarding "pharmacy drug addiction" in our region and discussed factors contributing to its spread, as well as prevention and rehabilitation methods for individuals suffering from pharmaceutical dependency. Specialists from the services shared their experience and knowledge, which helped students gain a deeper understanding of the problem.

Several recommendations and practical advice were demonstrated to students, which can help them recognize potentially dangerous situations and respond to them appropriately.